About Me

My Story

I have always loved stitching. Transforming traditional techniques into contemporary textile art and adding further media, my work can perhaps be described as mixed media embroidery art.

My Mission

Mostly, I work on a small scale. Tiny, delicate stiches give the piece structure and density. Telling a big story on a small screen is what interests me. Furthermore, I want the viewer to literally be close to my art.

My Inspiration

As we all are, I am influenced by many things. But there are three main sources of inspiration for me:


I grew up in the Alpine mountains, and although I have moved to a more urban area of Switzerland in my twenties, I still live at the edge of the woods where I often take long strolls with my kids, exploring flora and fauna. Thus, nature is my great model for color, pattern and texture.


Since my teenage years, I am an admirer of the surrealists. Intrigued by images of the subconsious, I believe in the importance of dreams and visions. Being human includes all shades of longings, drives and feelings, dark and light.


Another important source is my longing to tell stories. As I am also a writer, I love to combine stitched illustrations with words.


Education & working life

Education in arts & handicrafts

1978 - 1982: informal fiber arts training by my two grandmothers (one was arts and crafts teacher, the other couture dressmaker)


2014: online training course "Lange Leine" by Anne Lange of Atelier Lange Nadel in Mainz, Germany: contemporary embroidery techniques


2015: online training course "Lange Schritte" by Anne Lange of Atelier Lange Nadel in Mainz, Germany: surface design and advanced embroidery techniques

2000 - 2003: methodology and practice training of teaching arts in elementary schools at College of Education, Zurich


2004: beginners icon painting training at Migros Klubschule, Zurich


2018: workshop "oxidation processes for fine arts" by Arti Lemon in Oberdorf, Switzerland


2020: online course "Artistic Illustration: Draw from Your Imagination" by Fito Espinosa


2021: online course "Creating Patterns Using Watercolor" by Lola San Roman


2022: online course "Surrealist Illustration Inspired by Nature" by Marco Mazzoni

2006 - 2007: goldsmith trainings (beginners and advanced) by Bruce Zieler at Migros Klubschule, Zurich


2021: online course "Bookbinding of Your Artwork without Folds" by Susana Dominguez Martin


solo shows

Werkschau 1 (presented by gallery) ¦ Galerie Bucher ¦ Weite CH

juried group shows

Kreuz di Quer (curated by Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie) ¦ Ortsmuseum ¦ Meilen CH


Spiel der Farben - Color play (curated by SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie) ¦ Galerie Kalina ¦ Regen DE

Brooching the subject #5 ¦ Timeless Textiles Gallery ¦ Newcastle AUS

un/framed (curated by SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie) ¦ Galerie Klostertorkel ¦ Maienfeld CH

un/framed (curated by SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie) ¦ Galerie Kunstraum ¦ Winterthur CH

Corona Call ¦ Visarte ¦ online

Die Wahrheit siegt am Ende (curated by Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie) ¦ Galerie Kalina ¦ Regen DE

All Waterscapes ¦ Contemporary Art Gallery Online ¦ online

3. Basler Kunstmarkt ¦ Basel CH

F r a g mented - an exploration of chaos and harmony ¦ ArtSceneToday ¦ online

2. Basler Kunstmarkt ¦ Basel CH

Bündner Werkschau ¦ Kabinett der Visionäre ¦ Chur CH

group shows

Art de Suisse Zug 2024 ¦ Galerie Laprokay ¦ Zug CH

Unjurierte 2022 ¦ Eulachhallen ¦ Winterthur CH

#shutdownGR ¦ Cularta ¦ Laax CH

Werkschau 2 (represented by artist) ¦ Galerie Vielfältig ¦ Basel CH

Festival der Karten (curated by Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie) ¦ Galerie Kalina ¦ Regen DE

Festival der Karten (curated by Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie) ¦ Galerie 111 ¦ Zürich CH

Ausstellung im Schaufenster ¦ Mooi Mooi ¦ Horgen CH

Moving memories (curated by artist Anne Kelly) ¦ The Knitting and Stitching Show ¦ London GB 

Begegnungsstühle ¦ Art in Open RoomZ ¦ Opfikon CH

ART Talents 1 ¦ Zürich CH

Upcycling CD Art Project ¦ Art in Open Roomz ¦ Opfikon CH

Almohadismus - Das Kissen in der Kunst ¦ Kunstraum option.265 ¦ Bad Münstereifel DE

Kunst-Bauwand im Glattpark ¦ Art in Open Roomz ¦ Opfikon CH

10hoch3 ¦ Kabinett der Visionäre ¦ Chur CH

InBetween/Dazwischen (curated by The Swiss Hand Embroiderers' Guild) ¦ Lange Weile ¦ Winterthur CH

... mir ist so daDa im Kopf! (curated by artist Sabine Küster) ¦ Köln DE

Paratissima 3 ¦ Contineo ¦ Skopje MK

SmallWorks 2016 ¦ Brunswick Street Gallery ¦ Fitzroy AUS

Confidencias mudas (curated by artist María Hernández Laplaza) ¦ Tudela E

At Victorias 2 ¦ Winterthur CH

At Victorias 1 ¦ Winterthur CH


East meets West (curated by artist Anne Lange) ¦ Textile Art ¦ Berlin DE

Press & Publications

Interviews & Reports

Patchwork Professional print magazine
02/2018, pp 58-62: Portrait Claudia Jäggi

Ansalia Blog
July 9, 2017: Zu Besuch bei Weissfeder

Random Acts of Amy Blog
October 23, 2015: Backside of the Hoop with Claudia Jäggi

Mr X Stitch online magazine
June 16, 2015: Inspired to Stitch: Claudia Jaeggi Nessler

Reviews and references

Meilener Anzeiger (Agenda), Meilen:
“Kreuz di Quer” im Ortsmuseum

August 18, 2022

Bündner Tagblatt (Kultur), Chur:
Kunst unter dem Hammer

February 25, 2017

Bündner Tagblatt (Kultur), Chur:
Die kleine Schwester der Jahresausstellung

November 17, 2016

Landbote (Regionalkultur), Winterthur: 
Sie zieht die Fäden

April 26, 2016

Textile art project books and exhibition catalogues

Work catalogue "Kreuz Di Quer": pp. 12-13

ed. Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie, 2022

Work catalogue "Spiel der Farben - Color Play": pp. 10-13

ed. SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie, 2022

Work catalogue "Un Framed": pp. 18-19

ed. SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie, 2020

Work catalogue "Corona Call": pp. 7

ed. Visarte, 2020

Work catalogue "Die Wahrheit siegt am Ende": pp. 21-23

ed. Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie, 2019 

Work catalogue "Bündner Werkschau 16": pp.10-11

ed. Kabinett der Visionäre, 2016

Work catalogue "Transformation": p. 39

ed. Paratissima Skopje, 2016

Project book "Fiber Art Swap 17": pp. 24-25

ed. The Swiss Hand Embroiderers' Guild, 2017

Project book "... mir ist so daDa im Kopf!": p. 24

ed. Sabine Küster, 2016



Patchwork Professional print magazine 02/2018, pp 62-63: Freestyle-Nadelmalerei (tutorial)

"Ribbon in Grey" - an embroidered story (ebook)

ed. Claudia Jäggi, 2017

"About Love" - a fanzine with a message (ebook)

ed. Claudia Jäggi, 2023

Awards & Nominations



Curation & Teaching


#farbe/#color ¦ juried textile art project of SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie ¦ Ortsmuseum Meilen ¦ Meilen, Switzerland


#farbe/#color ¦ juried textile art project of SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie ¦ Galerie Kalina ¦ Regen, Germany


un/framed ¦ juried hoop art project of SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie ¦ Galerie Klostertorkel ¦ Maienfeld, Switzerland

un/framed ¦ juried hoop art project of SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie ¦ Galerie Kunstraum ¦ Winterthur, Switzerland

Depth/Tiefe ¦ juried fiber art project of SwissFiberArt ¦ Winterthur, Switzerland

Fiber Art Swap 17 ¦ fiber art swap project of SwissFiberArt ¦ Winterthur, Switzerland

InBetween/Dazwischen ¦ fiber mail art project of SwissFiberArt ¦ Winterthur, Switzerland


Gesticktes Medaillon aus alten Spitzen ¦ Workshop für Kinder und Erwachsene ¦ Ortsmuseum Meilen, Switzerland

various workshops within the concept of a local integration project (mach-mit) ¦ Winterthur, Switzerland

various workshops within the concept of a local integration project (mach-mit) ¦ Winterthur, Switzerland

various workshops within the concept of a local integration project (mach-mit) ¦ Winterthur, Switzerland

Stitch it! ¦ workshop for kids ¦ Winterthur, Switzerland